Sunday, September 29, 2013

Slowing Down...

Gosh... what to write about when it feels like life is taking off without you?
What to say when you've been unwell, in pain and couch/bedbound?
(nothing serious and I will recover but boy oh boy!)

Well I realised that one of the nicest things to do is to read about the adventures of other 
people who are having a ball, facing new adventures and possibly even trying to overcome
greater obstacles than my own... yep that helped.

Taking photos is also a favourite past time of mine and it isn't too hard to find 
beauty in some of the simplest things in life ... when you keep your eyes peeled.

I've been staying at Mums (she's a born nurse) and her green fingers have inspired me immensely
She told me that this Cyclamen was pure white but she had been pouring a little bit of diluted beetroot
juice (when rinsing out her cup) on it and low and behold it changed colour. It was a small amount too so it had me wondering what other plants might react this way? I know Hydrangeas can be altered depending on what type of soil but I'd never heard of beetroot juice working? 
I mean yes - we've all seen cut flowers dyed with food colouring but beetroot juice?
Hmmm... Ideas, ideas. 

As I mentioned before, Mum has green fingers for sure - and green toes too I expect.
Her garden deserves a post all of it's own but but I had to share this one. 
I love this statue and in the pot he guards Mum has Maiden Hair fern growing alongside 
Geranium and Colocasia ... all in the same pot... seriously???

It's been a very wet September here in Perth. Whilst we are grateful since our dams
are low (and our farmers desperately need the water) I know it's been strange to have 
fires lit and woollens on so late in the year. The majority of people in Perth get pretty crabby when the 
weather turns grey. You can sense the longing for sunshine and beaches and barbecues.
Hubby and I love the wet weather and we never get the Winter Blues 
(dare I say it but we in fact get the Summer Sads!)
So we've been capitalising on the cosy factor and watching an illegal amount of 
Escape To The Country, Country Home Restoration and Grand Designs... as you do.

Pooch doesn't mind though... he just loves a lap.

So there's my post all about nothing.
Well to be fair I titled it "slowing down" since that's all you can 
do when life throws you a curveball and rest is required.

I think my next post will be about all the stunning things I've discovered on
Pinterest... my other favourite couch activity.

I hope you are having a great day peoples?
It's a public holiday here today so we are taking our 15 year old son to
the train station where he'll be embarking on a day at the Royal Show with 
friends... some who are girls!!... (I think that means way more to me than him)

We have something yummy on the menu to look forward to though:
Homemade Gnocchi with a Butternut Pumpkin Sauce. Yum.

One more thing.... the first image is that of a gift given to me by my Hubby.
He felt I needed cheering up and treated me to this stunning fragrance.
It's officially now my favourite.
Thank you again babe.



ellen said...

Thank you, thank you dearest one for your wonderful note, your wisdom and your sharing of yourself. It means so much.
Do rest in the loving arms of your Mum and your wonderful husband. Do take care and may all the love in your family continue to surround you all.
Do give that darling Pooch a loving scratch from me.
I love the photos here that you have put up..they are beautiful and full of comfort. I have always loved Maiden Hair fern (who could resist that name?) and Longfellow as well.
Sending much love your way, and as always, many thanks for your presence in my life.

Neesie said...

Well Angy that was truly a delight to read and to look through.
Although I'm so sorry that it was due to you having to take life at a slower pace to enable you to bring it to us.
Having said that just look what gifts are bestowed on you. Not only beautiful perfume from your hubby accompanied with tender loving homecooked meals but being able to absorb your Mother's love and inspirations.
And then there's the pooch. I mean who could resist giving that pooch a lap along with anything else his heart desired! ^..^ Certainly not me.
I hope that you can regain your health as soon as possible but in the meantime...lie back and enjoy life in whatever form or activities you can participate ;D
Escape to the country, Country Home Restoration, pinterest etc are all okay in my book.
We're fully into autumn here so if you need to cool off anytime just pop over :D
Take care xo♥ox

terlee said...

Hope you'll be all mended soon. I'm glad to see that even being ill, it hasn't affected your eye for beautiful photos. And how sweet is your hubs?? ;D

In My Wild Eden said...

Oh, I am sorry you are not feeling well and hope you are better soon. I love your mom's beet root colored flower and I love, love, love your sweet dog!

chasing lightning bugs said...

i'm sorry you've been a little down and out. but I love this post with the most fabulous photos. gorgeous pooch. and your mum's fabulous garden. the beet juice thing is fantastic!!!
hope you're soon recovered.

Deb said...

Oh those curve balls!! Aren't they annoying! I hope you recover soon :)