* Creativity has kept my fingers and my brain very busy recently. Sitting at my desk and fiddling away with bits and bobs is a past time I'll never tire of ....
* We have a birthday coming up soon. A brother whom I adore, even though he throws his birthday cards away right after he reads them ... true.
* We have a wedding coming up soon. I'm not the most adventurous person when it comes to colour in clothes... do you agree that this Tree Of Life sheer stunner (with hand embroidered beading) is a step in the right colour confident direction? Cough cough... to be teamed with heels that really are comfortable (hallelujah!) and tailored white linen trousers....cough cough... photos MAY follow.... if I don't fall over**
*I am persisting with terrariums... I know that many plants out there are not happy to hear this... I understand that a slow and painful death behind glass - with an audience is ... well ... awful really, but please bear with me....
* These roses are from my garden ... I think think they are PERFECTION.
* I love bottles. I hate removing stickers from bottles - especially if the glue is cheap & nasty and could probably fix the Titanic. Still - I persisted with these small green ones and I'm soon to fulfil a (small) fantasy with them....
*The bird life at the moment is nothing short of amazing. Not so much due to numbers or even variety, but rather due to mess making and violent, aggressive, territorial mating activities. Have you ever seen eight male Honey Eaters in a modest plum tree battling over a nest... not pretty peoples.
* I (finally) got round to spray painting my kerbside find... I have three ideas for it and I'm sure I'll take another year to decide which one to go with... sigh....
How are you all? Sending much light and love to all affected by Hurricane Sandy.
Can you believe that it's only ** more sleeps until Christmas??? Apologies but I can't type the number for fear of breaking out into hives.
My weekend is filled with social engagements, dress ups, little people and music.
I'm excited.
** It's kinda my thing ... I fall over A LOT. Surely adding heels and a formal occasion to the mix "ups the stakes"? (Just ask Murphy)