Thursday, February 24, 2011

Myalup Magic and a Dream Come True...

How often do we have a dream come true?
I'm aiming for my answer to be "daily" but for now I'll have to stick to "often enough to keep dreaming bigger dreams" 
I'm getting there.

So we travel down to Myalup with dear dear friends the "Crazy Clarkes" (In this case CRAZY = UNIQUE) who love the beach, with a capital L. Now the JAm family are not your quintessential sandgropers but if there's a beach to behold then it's Myalup for us. This particular visit proved why....

There I was bobbing up and down with my bestest buddy Jax, chatting away as ladies do - politics, fashion, tea... 
Then, in a moment I can only describe as comically Scooby-Doo-ish, she yells "*#!? a fin!!" and I proceed to um... swim?... not quite... fly?...sort of... flail and flounder(prob more accurate)... with a swimming stroke yet to be defined. The rest of the family respond to this comical sight with much laughter since they could tell, from their vantage point, that it was in fact a young Dolphin.

So when did the dream come true you ask?

Well first of all it was not Jaws. So that's "avoid aquatic related death" ticked off the bucket list and secondly...

Our young friend chose to swim around (and in between) us, observing us with great curiosity, bobbing in and out of the water, squeaking (probably not the correct term for this noise but I'm sure you know what I mean)and generally "checking us out" - It was MAGICAL.

I've always imagined that I'd have to visit a resort and enter a tank to swim with a Dolphin. Even then I would have enjoyed the experience I'm sure. However, to have a Dolphin swim with ME, in the ocean!! Well that's just more than I could have ever hoped for! 
Hubby ran back to the beach and grabbed his I-phone - the above photo is one he took. Not very indicative of how close we really came but then again, I'm glad he chose to be present for the moment rather just capture it on film.

The whole trip was fabulously hedonistic 
scenically stunning...
and wonderfully relaxed

Thank you Crazy Clarkes!
Thank you Myalup!
And a very special heartfelt Thank you to Mrs Delphinidae for
"letting your young un stay a wee while

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