Sunday, July 29, 2012

You will begin to touch heaven, Jonathan, in the moment that you touch perfect speed. And that isn’t flying a thousand miles an hour, or a million, or flying at the speed of light. Because any number is a limit, and perfection doesn’t have limits. Perfect speed, my son, is being there.

 To fly as fast as thought, to anywhere that is, he said, you must begin by knowing that you have already arrived…

Each of us is in truth an idea of the Great Gull, an unlimited idea of freedom..

Words from 
Jonathan Livingstone Seagull
Richard Bach

(a favourite)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Craft ....


Handicraft is the "traditional" main sector of the crafts, it is a type of work where useful and decorative devices are made completely by hand or by using only simple tools. Usually the term is applied to traditional means of making goods. The individual artisanship of the items is a paramount criterion, such items often have cultural and/or religious significance. Items made by mass production or machines are not handicraft goods.
(taken straight from Wikipedia)

Love the wallpaper...

Lampshade detail...

Looks like a few things have fallen over in this room...
family spat?

Downton Abbey style...

I mentioned a trip to the Kalamunda History Village.
Well this was one of the items 
on display in the museum section. 
These phone camera shots are yuk, I know.
Still I had to share. I spent ages staring at all the details
and marvelling at the fact that this Dollhouse was nearly 
40 years old! 
Craft - Always was. Always will be.


PS - I agree, the dolls are kinda creepy.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My working space ...

It's lovely to have lovely things surround you
whilst you work ...

.... the only problem I have is my tendency to ...

... daydream more than I work ....

... imagine more than knuckle down ...

... and fantasize more than face reality ....

Do you have this tendency too?

I don't believe it's detrimental to one's day....

... just one's deadlines.


Can I also add a warm welcome to a few new followers and
a very special (and most deeply heartfelt) thank you
to those who always take the time to leave a comment.
(you know who you are)
You are so kind, encouraging and enthusiastic.
Makes me really L♥VE blogland
Have a super one peoples!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Thrifted Loveliness ....

Found at The Flying Wardrobe in Witchcliffe WA
(coffee sacks are from Yahava ... sigh ... luuurve coffee sacks)

Gorgeous yes? 
I was smitten with the galvanised
bucket and as for those cutie terracotta pots ... well, 
let's put it this way ... if there were a hundred,
 I'd have been in trouble!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Kalamunda ... my town

I've always wanted to call Kalamunda home - well for as long
as we've lived in Western Oz anyway. 
Hubby and I imagine it
to be the closest thing to living in an English Village as possible.
You have a "green" you have "history" and you 
have a very cute pub.

As you drive into town you are greeted by Stirk Park.
Filled with the most stunning Euculypts, Maples and Poplars
(I am obsessed with Poplars)

It undergoes
the most magical transformations every season. 

Upon approaching the town centre, you are 
greeted by our iconic "Gum-nut" fountain.

I L♥ve (with a CAPITAL L) it when a
community see the worth in spending money 
on items of beauty. 

Commissioned by the Smiths Sculptors it
perfectly reflects what Kalamunda is known for....

Nature .... Trees ... Water ... Greenery 
& of course Beauty.

The park has a small amphitheatre...
(not very cleary shown in this photo but if you 
look closely you can see the roofline)

We host an annual event called Jazz in the Park 
as well as a number of festivals
 and smaller concerts.

Most of the time though it's 
filled with locals of all ages relaxing, 
sharing a picnic, feeding the ducks
 or dozing under a tree.
(on this particular morning it registered
 only 2 degrees outside  - so nobody 
lazing around just yet)

This cottage plays a significant role in our
towns history and we now have a
History Village which details 
a number of our community's milestones
and listed buildings.

I paid a little visit to our History Village and
I loved it. But more of that in another post.
The sun has emerged and methinks I need
to grab my novel, a rug and a thermos.
There's a Poplar with my name on it.


Here's to a cracking week peoples.
Wishing you all bundles of Monday energy and
for all you Mums who are sending kids back to school
(if you're anything like me)
Hang in there ... next holidays are only 66 sleeps away!
If you are of the ilk that desperately longs for school holidays
to come to an end ... well then all I can say is ... Boo to you.
Nah just kidding  - I only have one child (who by all
accounts can dress himself now) so I can empathise if
you have a larger litter and you're ready for a break :-) 