Thursday, November 29, 2012
Things to do when the power goes out....
It's imperative that you remain calm.
Fretting over the fact that you may or may not be able to have a cup of tea is useless.
(believe me ... I know)
If you're lucky and it happens during daylight hours, well then be smart and get the candles and the torches ready NOW. Just in case.
Find the board games, packs of cards, chocolate stash, red wine, picnic rugs, cushions and if at all possible spare batteries.
If the outage is due to inclement weather try not to worry (excessively) about your chickens... they are after all outdoor critters (or so everyone keeps telling me when I suggest that maybe they should be brought inside)
When you realise that you are connected to gas and a cup of tea is well and truly possible... be grateful.
Be very very grateful.
(Aside: We had a ball. Monopoly may not be everyone's cup of tea but there's no denying that having no access to screens of any kind undoubtedly brings a family closer together)
Your weekend peoples?
I have to take my boys shopping for clothes. Wish me luck.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Catch up.... and a huge dose of smug
The heart-stoppingly good Sigur Ros at Belvoir Amphitheatre ..... still reeling.
Small renovations with handcrafted porcelain knobs - my new favourite thing.
Record setting eggs (or as I now call them "bum nuts")
Floral delights that look lovely but smell funny ... does anyone else not like the whiff of a Hyacinth?
Greenery in small bottles - my other favourite thing.
More floral delights that don't whiff at all ... and last for a long time .
Classical FM whilst prepping for Christmas.
A new favourite blend of tea - T2's Earl Grey and Just Rose Rosebuds.
Farewell to sock weather - although there is some rain predicted later this week (??)
....and last but not least ....
Essential Christmas inspiration... Real Living, Country Style, Home Beautiful and Frankie....
.... and just in case you're wondering ... Cadbury Aero Dark Bubbles & two Arnotts Royale's.
How are things in your neck of the woods peoples? Are you ready for Christmas yet?
Can I boast? ... Are you sure?
I have completed ALL my Christmas shopping.
True Cobber true*
I am one happy chap.
Now I don't just mean the gifts, I mean the fairy lights, the serviettes, the wrapping paper (although that is just brown paper and string), the candles, the bunting, the stocking stuffer treats, the thrifted loveliness that will become recycled/upcycled treats, the charity gifts and the goodies to make the hand made goodies ...
Apologies to all you purists out there but this calls for some major exclamation mark overload.....
Thank you for letting me release the joy that stems from knowing that I am now able to squirrel myself away and enjoy the making and creating in the peace and quiet of my home. I can put Bing on and just have fun. I can sew and wrap and bake and drink tea. I can avoid the fake Santas and the screaming little people who don't understand why they can't have all the toys in the world (and just for the record kids... I'm on your side) Admittedly there are the "work functions" to attend but at least I can do so knowing that the bulk of all the rush is not mine to endure. Oh I am truly one smug bunny at the moment....
Thank you for listening and apologies to all who have read this and are no longer my friend.
I hope I can be forgiven.
* Aussie slang for "That's a fact Jack"
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Worlds within worlds...
Sometimes there's a whole lot of big...
... in very small things...
... in very big things.
Don't you think?
... in very small things...
... and a whole lot of small ...
... in very big things.
Don't you think?
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Right now....
Right now I have a bunch of flowers that I adore but don't know the name of.
Right now I know that we've seen the last of the rain for the year.
Right now I am filled with gratitude for every corner of my humble home.
Right now I know that all the details are worth it.
Right now I love the fact that my future is unwritten.
Right now is all that really matters because right now is all we ever truly have.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
To drink or not to drink....
For your information the following statements are frivolous "ponderings and musings"
When the word drink or drinking is used it refers specifically to alcoholic beverages
and lastly, (but not leastly) I love a good G&T by the pool as much as the next person.
Just so you know.
To drink or not to drink. That is the question.
Have you ever had anyone tease you or goad you into drinking?
Have you ever had anyone keep pouring when you've already said "thats' enough"
Have you ever had anyone ask you why you're not drinking - with an undertone of sheer confusion?
Have you ever had anyone say "yeah but you gotta live life don't you?"
(as though by not drinking you'll simply stop breathing)
I have recently taken a hiatus from drinking.
Reasons - health mostly.
Responses from most people - completely supportive.
Responses from some - downright amusing....
"Why? What's wrong?"
"Oh well done you... I couldn't do that"
"Do you miss it?"
"Well that's no fun now is it"
"I tried that once"
"What are you... a girl?"
Now let me be honest here and say that not all these remarks were made to me. I've heard some made to other people and some made to Hubby when he's been the designated driver. I realise Australians are big drinkers, we love a "beer at the barbie" and we are the proud producers of some amazing wines. However, last I checked alcohol was still considered a drug, yes? We've come a looooong way further with smoking. In fact if you want to feel like an outcast take up smoking and move to Australia peoples. It's not allowed ANYwhere. So it's amazing to me that we aren't more open to the idea of NOT drinking. It's like it's a kind of "given" and it seems to be woven so deeply into the fabric of our social lives that by abstaining we look like a great big dropped stitch... just sitting there.... with our iced tea... Hmmmm.
What are your thoughts peoples?
Have you ever taken a break from drinking?
How would you feel if you had to give it up?
Do you know anyone who does not drink at all?
* Brilliant images by artist Leah Tinari
Please note - I have not chosen Leah's work in order to suggest that it negates or supports
alcohol consumption ... I just loved the work.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Seven Thousand Ways to Listen...
Listening is a personal pilgrimage that takes time and a willingness to lean into life.
With each trouble that stalls us and each wonder that lifts us, we're asked to put down our conclusions and feel and think anew*
Unpredictable as life itself, the practice of listening is one of the most mysterious, luminous and challenging art forms on earth. Each of us is by turns a novice and a master—until the next difficulty or joy undoes us*
Our friendship with everything larger than us opens us to the wisdom of Source. This is the work of being. Our friendship with experience opens us to the wisdom of life on earth. This is the work of being human. And our friendship with each other opens us to the wisdom of care. This is the work of love*
In a daily way, listening is being present enough to hear the One in the many and the many in the One. Listening is an animating process by which we feel and understand the moment we are in, repeatedly connecting the inner world with the world around us, letting one inform the other*
For the living Universe can be entered at any time by listening to our inmost self. This begins by meeting ourselves and opening our minds to silence. It helps to think of silence as the connective tissue for all life. By listening to silence, we can be nourished by everything that is larger than us*
Hi there peoples...
Truth time
I have been under the weather and bogged down
with a mental state of mind that is most certainly not conducive
to achievement, happiness or satisfaction... the clouds are
parting though... deep breath. This too shall pass.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Fennel, Orange, Walnut & Persian Feta ...
... aka "a jazz dance in your mouth" ....
Fennel - finely sliced
Red Onion - VERY finely sliced & not too much
Orange segments
Persian Feta
Verjuice - a lighter variety
Good quality, preferably peppery, Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Salt & Pepper - to taste
Begin with a bed of Rocket and assemble
all the ingredients in layers
(we placed the feta on last though)
Splash a bit of the oil & verjuice on before serving
(not too much since the oranges provide
quite a bit of natural dressing)
The beauty of this number is you can tweak the ingredients
to suit your taste. I must warn you though...
... the combination of sweet orange, bitter walnut, liquorice fennel and salty silky feta
is... sigh.... drool..... just do it.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Little known fact I've just discovered...
In ancient Greek there was the masculine noun “kyanos”, also spelled “kuanos” (“κύανος “in Greek letters ) which indicated a dark-blue substance/enamel (probably derived from powdered lapislazuli stone known since 5000 BC) used in the Heroic Age to adorn works in metal, as we read e.g. in Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey as well as in Hesiod’s Shield of Heracles.
This noun was later used also as an adjective ( kyanos/ kyaneos) meaning exactly “blue” / “dark-blue”.
In short, also in pre-Homeric times the Greeks knew this colour and had a noun to indicate it, although they did not have yet the adjective which was used only later.*
This noun was later used also as an adjective ( kyanos/ kyaneos) meaning exactly “blue” / “dark-blue”.
In short, also in pre-Homeric times the Greeks knew this colour and had a noun to indicate it, although they did not have yet the adjective which was used only later.*
And that's why Homer does not use the word blue in Odyssey.
(*excerpt from here)
High Blue
Navy Blue
Sky Blue
Egyptian Blue
Cerulean Blue
Prussian Blue
IndigoLapis Lazuli
I love the colour Blue in all it's shades and hues. I'm drawn to it and find that my home is dotted with it in almost all the rooms. I love it in clothes (usually Dark, Gray or Teal Blue) and I love it in cookware and serving ware. I could have taken a dozen more pictures of all the blue things I own but ran out of light this morning (late summer rains.. yay!) and I had to leave for the Kalamunda Markets with Hubby.
I didn't take my camera with today but I wish I had...
People smiling in the rain, dogs on leads (Kalamunda is VERY dog friendly) food smells wafting from the stalls.. we had Spinach and Feta pides with lemon and dips.... drool.
I scored six succulents for the price of one, thanks to local European families who work hard in their gardens and share their treasures ... seriously I'm still reeling from the prices!
We attended the grand opening of First Avenue's new store and then headed off to the grocers to purchase all we need for our contribution to TWO dinner parties we'll be attending ..... Fennel & Orange Salad with walnuts and Persian Feta... Ooh yeah.
How are you peoples? What's your favourite colour?
Have you been to the Kalamunda markets before?
Plans for the weekend? Plans for the week?

Whatever you're doing I hope it's filled with as much gratitude as the heart can handle...
it's so good for the soul... ♥♥♥
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